Technology consulting that goes beyond trends:

Find the right technology for your company. Objective, precise and future-proof with Concepture.

Can you find your way through the technology jungle?

The rapid development of technological solutions often leads to excessive demands and uncertainty. How do you decide which technology really makes sense for your company without wasting resources?

Concepture’s independent technology consulting gives you a clear overview and customized recommendations. Save time and benefit from our expertise to ensure your technology investments are future-proofed and aligned to your specific business needs.


Strategic, independent, future-oriented

Strategic technology orientation

Concepture's technology consulting services not only provide you with insights into current technology trends, but also a customized strategy that meets your business goals and gives you a faster competitive advantage.

Manufacturer-independent advice

Concepture is not associated with any specific providers or brands. This guarantees you objective advice that is geared exclusively to the needs and requirements of your company.

Future-proof investments

Thanks to our expertise in technology and industry trends, we ensure that your technology investments are future-proof, allowing you to focus on long-term growth and innovation.

the process

How we design your technologies together

Unbiased technology analysis

Every organization has its own unique security requirements. We start with an in-depth analysis of your existing infrastructure – whether IT, OT, cloud, network, endpoint or mobile security – to understand your current state and your specific needs.


Requirements definition

Based on our analysis, we define clear technological requirements that protect your organization from cyber risks and meet compliance requirements.


Selection of the best technology partner

As Concepture operates independently of manufacturer interests, we can explore the market impartially and recommend the best technology partners and products to meet your exact requirements.


Implementation support

Our work does not end with consulting. We guide you through the entire process of implementing the selected technologies to ensure that the chosen solutions are seamlessly integrated into your existing systems.


Sustainable increase in resilience

Our goal is not just to maintain your security in the short term, but to make you more resilient to cyber attacks in the long term. We support you in the development and implementation of measures that continuously increase the maturity level of your security.

Our services

Strategic technology consulting for your company's success

Market analysis

Examine the current technology market to identify the best solutions based on performance, ease of use, cost and other criteria.

Needs analysis

Identify specific business needs and objectives to recommend the most appropriate technology solutions.

Technology assessment

Analysis of your current technologies in order to identify strengths, weaknesses and optimization potential and to increase the efficiency and performance of already implemented technologies.

Integration and compatibility

Ensure that new technologies can be seamlessly integrated into the existing infrastructure and are compatible with other systems.

Training and knowledge transfer

Helping companies to use the selected technologies effectively by providing training for staff and sharing best practices.

Creation of a roadmap

Develop a strategic plan for the phased introduction and upgrade of technologies based on the organization's priorities and budget. Through our combined approach of interviews, workshops and testing, we create an actionable and comprehensible roadmap.

Integration into your business continuity management

We understand the importance of Business Continuity Management (BCM). Our security solutions are designed to have a positive effect on your BCM.

Frequently asked questions about technology consulting

Medium-sized companies often have similar technology and cyber security challenges to large companies, but have limited resources. Here you will find the answers to your most pressing questions about our technology consulting services.

Technology consulting can help your company optimize technology investments, reduce operating costs, increase productivity and prepare for future market demands.

Our vendor-neutral position allows us to recommend the best technology solutions based on your company’s individual needs and goals, without being influenced by specific product offerings. The Concepture Group is privately owned. There is no involvement of companies with vested interests (e.g. to place their products). We thrive on trust – we do not put this at risk.

Our selection, evaluation and implementation methods vary depending on the type of technology. Whether proven or cutting-edge technologies – we first clarify the client’s motivations and ideas together with them. Taking technology knowledge and market trends into account, we formulate clear objectives and examine the framework conditions for technology integration, including technical infrastructure, organizational circumstances and corporate vision.

In addition to implementation, we provide support, training for your team and regular reviews to ensure the technology continues to meet your business needs.

We are firmly anchored in a global community. Our consultants represent us at international congresses and trade fairs, often as speakers or panelists. We are well networked with the leading players and solution providers and continuously seek out innovative providers in order to evaluate their solutions.

The costs vary depending on the scope and complexity of the project. We prepare a concrete and binding offer before every service. This means that our customers always know what investment they can expect. There are no surprises. We will be happy to prepare an individual offer that meets your needs.

Absolutely. Our consulting services accompany companies through all stages of digital transformation – from strategy design to practical implementation. Our technology consulting focuses on the topic of “security”.

Your security is just a click away

Do you have any questions that have not been answered here, or would you like a personal consultation? We look forward to helping you.

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Your personal expert for technology consulting

Manuel Bohé

CEO & SENIOR Cyber Security Consultant

Take the first step towards a secure future and contact Manuel Bohé directly for a personalized consultation. Our technology consulting for cyber security is your key to a protected and resilient company.

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